Saturday, August 2, 2008

Quite literally ( a few dumb questions)

If my soup tastes funny then why am I not laughing?

Why is a doctor’s profession called practice?

Do I love you?

Of course I do

Would I die for you?

No, my love for you is undying.

At a restaurant a customer asks

Excusez moi garcon, do you serve crabs?

Waiter: sir please sit down, we serve everybody.

Are there a lot of virgins in the Virgin Islands?

Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawnshop?

What happens to an 18 hour bra after 18 hours?

Do hummingbirds hum because they don't know the words?

What if someone died in the living room?

Do people in Australia call the rest of the world 'up over'?

Do pilots take crash-courses?

Do witches run spell checkers?

What's the synonym for thesaurus?

Does a man-eating shark eat women, too?

How can there be self-help "groups"?

How do you get off a nonstop flight?

How is it possible to have a "civil" war?

Why are some gay people so unhappy?

Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

Why do people tell you when they are speechless?

If I save time, when do I get it back?

Why am I posting dumb questions?

Ah…finally I am getting debriefed (not in a dirty way).